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Globalization Burdens Future Generations with Biological Invasions (Dec 20, 2010)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research.
A new study on biological invasions based on extensive data of alien species from 10 taxonomic groups and 28 European countries has shown that patterns of established alien species richness are more related to historical levels of socio-economic drivers than to contemporary ones. An international group of 16 researchers reported the new findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) article Socioeconomic legacy yields an invasion debt. The researchers found that the frequent delay between the first introduction of a species in a new territory and its establishment and spread suggest that invasions triggered by current economic behavior will possibly take a long time to become fully realized, causing an "invasion debt". The publication resulted from the three-year project DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Inventory for Europe, funded by European Union within its 6th Framework Programme.

Cost of Invasive Non-native Species – Early Eradication Lessens Impact (Dec 15, 2010)
Scottish Goverment.
The financial cost of non-native species has been published in a new report. "The Economic Cost of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) to the British Economy" suggests that invasive species cost 1.7 billion pounds every year. The research was conducted by the international scientific organization CABI for the Scottish Government, Defra and the Welsh Assembly Government and breaks down the effect on each country. It indicates that the economic cost of INNS can be wide ranging and can result in the loss of crops, ecosystems and livelihoods. The cost to the agriculture and horticulture sector alone is estimated to be 1 billion pounds across Britain. See Great Britain Non-native Species Secretariat - Reports for the full report and supporting document.

Assessment to support continued development of the EU Strategy to combat invasive alien species (2010; PDF | 2.5 MB)
Institute for European Environmental Policy.

This study, prepared by the Institute for European Environmental Policy, analyses the policy baseline, and outlines priorities and components for an EU IAS Strategy. It includes a preliminary and indicative estimate of the level of costs associated with the proposed measures.

Central Fisheries Board, Invasive Species Rapid Response, Alert! Discovery of the Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea) in Ireland
Control of Aquatic Invasive Species in Ireland.
The Asian clam was first detected in the Ireland in Apr 2010 by Dr. Pascal Sweeney within the Barrow Navigation. Preliminary dive surveys were undertaken by the CAISIE project to determine the current distribution and relative abundance and further surveys are now planned to map the distribution of this species and monitor the impacts to native species. In Jul, a dangerous invasive clam (was) found on the River Nore. To date, Inland Fisheries Ireland research staff have found dense populations, with almost 10,000 clams per metre in the River Barrow and further populations of clams in 7km sections of the river downstream of St Mullins.

UK: Exploring Fish Invasion (Jul 18, 2010)
University World News.
A Bournemouth University Professor is leading an Anglo-Chinese expedition through remote parts of China to discover the origins of a global fish invasion.

Towards An Early Warning and Information System for Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Threatening Biodiversity in Europe (Jun 1, 2010)
European Environment Agency.
This report is an abridged version of the full report which was based on a literature analysis, an in-depth assessment of the European situation, a review of the early warning and rapid response frameworks in other regions of the world, and replies to a questionnaire circulated to representatives and experts from 38 European countries.

State of Britain's Mammals Review (Apr 7, 2010)
People's Trust for Endangered Species.
People’s Trust for Endangered Species and the University of Oxford have published the latest review of the Britain’s mammals. The state of Britain’s mammals: a focus on invasive species (2010; PDF | 1.8 MB) has a special focus on invasive mammals and the problems they cause to Britain's native species.

Scientists Call on the Public to Help Monitor Invasive Species (RISC project) (Mar 22, 2010)
Great Britain Non-native Species Secretariat.
Recording Invasive Species Counts (RISC), was launched to encourage members of the public to record sightings of six invasive non-native plants and animals within the United Kingdom. The public is also asked to report species that might be new arrivals, by sending photograph, or description and the location.

Alien Encounters
Herpetological Conservation Trust (United Kingdom). National Amphibian and Reptile Recording Scheme.
Have you seen alien amphibians or reptiles? Alien Encounters is a website for information on and reporting sightings of non-native amphibians and reptiles in the United Kingdom.

Prepare for Invasion: Natural England Publishes New Forecast on the Non-Native Animals Threatening to Take Hold (May 22, 2009)
Natural England.
To mark International Biodiversity Day 2009, Natural England published a major report (Horizon Scanning for New Invasive Non-Native Animal Species in England) identifying the potential for a number of non-native animal species to increase in number in England and become invasive. Non-native species pose one of the biggest threats to England's natural biodiversity and ecosystems. Of 161 species evaluated, 84 were categorised as medium to high risk in terms of the likelihood of their becoming invasive and the disruption they could have on our natural environment and native wildlife.

Invasive Species: Will Europe At Last Unite To Combat Thousands Of Alien Invaders? (Apr 3, 2009)
Recent evidence that Europe may be home to 11,000 alien species has spurred the European Commission to release its first ever Communication on invasive species. The Communication, which is currently open for consultation, proposes the development of a European Strategy on Invasive Species. It outlines three potential ways forward, each representing a different level of legislative cost and complexity.

Invasions By Alien Plants Have Been Mapped In European Union (Jan 27, 2009)
Biological invasions are one of the major threats to biodiversity and in many cases they have considerable impact on economy and human health. For their effective management it is important to understand which areas and ecosystems are at the highest risk of being invaded. The first map of the level of alien plant invasions in European Union (PDF | 1 MB) was published in the Wiley-Blackwell journal Diversity and Distributions.

Handbook of Alien Species in Europe / (online version requires subscription) - Published 2009
The Handbook of Alien Species in Europe summarizes the major findings of this groundbreaking research and addresses the invasion trends, pathways, and both economic as well as ecological impact for eight major taxonomic groups. Published under the auspices of the DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe) project, is the culmination of three years work by almost 200 scientists. It presents for the first time an up to date cross taxonomic assessment of the history, extent and impact of alien species in Europe.

The Invasive Non-Native Species Framework Strategy for Great Britain: Protecting our Natural Heritage from Invasive Species (May 28, 2008) and Joint Nature Conservation Committee Response to Departmental Consultation (for draft document)
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
This strategy launched May 28, 2008 is intended to provide a strategic framework within which the actions of government departmentsm their related bodies and key stakeholders can be better co-coordinated.


Aquatic Alien Species in German Inland and Coastal Waters
Species of Concern; Management

Aquatic invaders of Belarus: Alien Species Database
Belarus Alien Species Database.
Species of Concern

Invasive Species in Belgium
Belgian Forum on Invasive Species.
Species of Concern; Management

Invasive Aliens in Northern Ireland
Environment and Heritage Service (United Kingdom).
Species of Concern

Invasive Alien Species
EUROPA. European Commission.

Invasive Plants - What's the Big Deal?
Plantlife International (United Kingdom).

Species of Concern

Alien Species in Estonia Database (Estonian version)
Keskkonnaministeerium (Estoni, Ministry of the Environmenta).
Species of Concern

Non-native Species
Great Britain Non-Native Species Secretariat.

Hypermedia for Plant Protection: Weeds
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (National Institute for Agricultural Research, France).
Species of Concern

Initiative Sur Les Especes Exotiques Envahissantes en Outre-Mer (Initiative on Invasive Alien Species in the French Overseas)
French Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (Comité français de l'UICN).
Species of Concern.

Invasive Species Ireland
Invasive Species Ireland.
Species of Concern; Management; Special Note: Invasive Species in Ireland (2006; PDF | 1 MB)

Invasions: The Invasion Potential of Alien Species
UFZ Centre for Environmental Research (Germany).

Invasive Alien Species in Hungary (PDF | 898 KB)
Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water Resources, Hungary); National Ecological Network.

Species of Concern; Laws and Regulations; Management

National Invasive Species Database (Ireland)
National Biodiversity Data Centre.
Species of Concern

Alien Species in Poland
Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Sciences). Instytut Ochrony Przyrody (Institute of Nature Conservation).
Species of Concern; Special Note: Searchable database

Invasive Species
The Scottish Government.
Species of Concern; Laws and Regulations

Plant Health
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs. Food and Environment Research Agency.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Publications; Laws and Regulations; Management

Review of Non-Native Species Policy: Report of the Working Group - Executive Summary (PDF | 39 KB)
United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Laws and Regulations

Invasive Species
United Kingdom Environment Agency.
Species of Concern; Management

Non-Native Marine Species in British Waters
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (United Kingdom).
Species of Concern

Non-Native Species
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (United Kingdom).
Species of Concern; Special Note: Species list and profiles

Biological Invasions
Natural Environment Research Council (United Kingdom). Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Species of Concern; Management

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Lithuanian Invasive Species Database
Klaipeda University (Lithuania).
Species of Concern; Special Note: Contains references

INVADER: Invasion and Ecosystem Restoration
University of Coimbra (Portugal). Institute of Marine Research.
Species of Concern; Monitoring

Information on Invasive Plants
Schweizerische Kommission für die Erhaltung von Wildpflanzen (Swiss Commission for Wild Plant Conservation).
Species of Concern; Contacts; Special Note: Species list

Aquatic Plant Management
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (United Kingdom).
Species of Concern; Publications; Management; Special Note: Fact sheets

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North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Alien Species (NOBANIS)
Artportalen (Species Gateway, Sweden).
Contacts; Laws and Regulations; Management

Belgian Forum on Invasive Alien Species (BFIS)
Belgian Biodiversity Platform.
Species of Concern

Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE)
Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe.
Species of Concern

Audit of Non-Native Species in England (PDF | 532 KB)
English Nature.
Species of Concern

Aquatic Invasions
European Research Network on Aquatic Invasive Species.
Species of Concern

Harlequin Ladybird Survey
The Harlequin Ladybird Survey.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Management

Alien Encounters
Herpetological Conservation Trust (United Kingdom). National Amphibian and Reptile Recording Scheme.

CIESM Atlas of Exotic Species in the Mediterranean Sea
International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Special Note: Illustrated databases

Aliens Invade the Sea
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Publications; Special Note: ICES Code of Practice on the Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms 2003 (PDF | 506 KB)

Amassing Efforts against Alien Invasive Species in Europe (2006)
PloS Biology.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Management

Invasive Species & Biosecurity Programme - Scotland
Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Laws and Regulation; Management

Invasive Species
Waldwissen.net. Information for Forest Management in Central Europe.
Species of Concern; Publications; Special Note: Most of site in German

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Last Modified: Apr 05, 2011
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