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Grant Opportunities

Grants are generally sums of money awarded to finance a particular activity or facility. Generally, these grant awards do not need to be paid back.

The MDA offers many grant programs to assist individuals and organizations with agricultural development.

Forest Protection Reserve Appropriation - The Minnesota legislature allocated $2 million in Forest Protection Reserve funds from the Outdoor Heritage Fund (MN Laws 2009 Chapter 172, Article 1, Section 7) to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.  These funds were allocated for the purpose of issuing grants to aid municipalities and organizations in preparing for new infestations of emerald ash borer or to respond to existing infestations of the invasive insect pest.  

Specialty Crop Grants - Specialty crop growers in Minnesota can apply for grants to help them remain competitive in the marketplace.

Livestock Investment Grant - grants to persons or entities who raise livestock in Minnesota, for the purposes of improving or expanding livestock production in Minnesota.

Ag Literacy Grant - offers cash awards to help educators more effectively integrate agriculture and the food system into their curriculum.

Dairy Business Planning Grant - encourages dairy business planning and modernization activities of Minnesota dairy farms.

Dairy Profitability & Enhancement Teams - for producers who are looking to make some changes in their operations.

Sustainable Agriculture Grant - awarded to innovative, promising and worthwhile demonstrations of sustainable agricultural methods or systems in Minnesota.

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