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Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM)

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is partnering with, resource managers, non-governmental organizations, industry, resource users, citizens and other state agencies and stakeholders to combat invasive species. Eight Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management exist or are forming across NYS. The NYS Invasive Species Task Force (ISTF) recommended building and funding such partnerships to prevent or minimize the harm caused by invasive species on New York's environment in its 2005 report to the governor and legislature.

PRISM will coordinate invasive species management functions including coordinating partner efforts, recruiting and training citizen volunteers, identifying and delivering education and outreach, establishing early detection monitoring networks and implementing direct eradication and control efforts.

DEC has contracted for administration of the Adirondack Invasive Plant Program (APIPP), a two-time national award winning organization and winner of DEC's Environmental Excellence award, to allow this PRISM to continue addressing invasive species at the landscape level through the strength of a partnership. DEC anticipates funding administrative functions of seven additional PRISM.

PRISM are a great way for private citizens and interested organizations to help manage invasive species to protect New York's environment. A link to the PRISM website is in the right hand column of this webpage.