The Lake Tahoe Basin Weed Coordinating Group works to stop invasive weed infestations

Why should we care about keeping invasive weeds out of the Lake Tahoe Basin?

Lake Tahoe's unique character — famed natural beauty, water clarity, diverse wildlife and plant populations, unique ecosystems and limitless recreational opportunities — are valued by both residents and visitors alike. Invasive species can degrade these important natural resources.

Lake Tahoe with Tahoe Mountains in the background Photo Courtesy of Tony Limas, El Dorado County Photo Library

Private, public and tribal landowners are concerned with invasive weed infestations that presently exist, and may be introduced, in the Lake Tahoe basin. Unchecked infestations can reduce the biological, agricultural, recreational, and economic value of the land, impair water quality, reduce native plant populations, and degrade important ecosystems. For weed management efforts to be successful, a coordinated, integrated, watershed-wide approach is necessary. The Lake Tahoe Basin Weed Coordinating Group (LTBWCG) is committed to working together to stop the introduction and spread of invasive weeds.

Why is early detection and rapid response important?

The Lake Tahoe Basin is in the relatively early stages of infestation by invasive weeds, so early detection and rapid response (EDRR) are at the heart of our efforts. By detecting and eradicating small populations early and quickly, land owners and managers can ultimately save dollars and time, while preserving the natural wonders of the region from damage by invasive plants.

To implement these important early detection and eradication efforts, the Lake Tahoe partners annually review the weed detection survey and treatment plans to make sure we have seamless EDRR "coverage" for the entire bi-state, multi-county region. A second important element of the early detection efforts includes increasing awareness by the general public regarding the invasive weeds of concern in the Lake Tahoe Basin, how to identify them and what to do if a weed is found. By increasing the number of eyes looking for invasive weeds and having a mechanism to report infestation locations, we can maximize our early detection and rapid response efforts.

You can help protect Lake Tahoe's important natural resources that we value!

Read more about LTBWCG goals and accomplishments

Below are annual reports and other documents from the Lake Tahoe Basin Weed Coordinating Group and related working groups.