National Prison Rape Elimination Commission logo

Public Proceedings

Hearing: Lockups, Native American Detention Facilities, and Conditions in Texas Penal and Youth Institutions
March 26-27, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Courts Lock-ups and Transportation Concerns

Operations of Police Lock-ups and Law Enforcement Standards

Operations of Police Lock-ups and Condition of Confinement

PREA Training Efforts for Lock-ups

Native American Facilities: Sovereignty - Overview

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Reporting of Sexual Violence in Native American Facilities and Training Efforts in Response to PREA

Texas Jail Response to PREA

Accounts of Sexual Violence in Texas Facilities and Introduction to the Texas Youth Commission

The Texas Youth Commission: A Broken System Embarking on Reform

The Safe Prison Program: The Texas Department of Criminal Justice's Response to PREA

External Perspectives on the Texas Safe Prison Program


Since its creation, the Commission has undertaken a comprehensive legal and factual study of the penalogical, physical, mental, medical, social and economic impacts of prison sexual assaults