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Exercise for Seniors

Also called: Seniors' fitness 

There is a fountain of youth. Millions have discovered it - the secret to feeling better and living longer. It's called staying active. Finding a program that works for you and sticking with it can pay big dividends. Regular exercise can prevent or delay diabetes and heart trouble. It can also reduce arthritis pain, anxiety and depression. It can help older people stay independent.

There are four main types of exercise and seniors need some of each:

  • Endurance activities - like walking, swimming, or riding a bike - which build "staying power" and improve the health of the heart and circulatory system
  • Strengthening exercises which build muscle tissue and reduce age-related muscle loss
  • Stretching exercises to keep the body limber and flexible
  • Balance exercises to reduce the chances of a fall

NIH: National Institute on Aging



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Photograph of a senior woman on an exercise bike


National Institutes of Health