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Leasing Data from the National Library of Medicine®

NLM® currently leases:

  1. Journal citations (MEDLINE®/PubMed®)
  2. Records for Books, Serials, Audiovisuals, and Other Resources - includes Catfile, CatfilePlus, and Serfile
  3. Data distributed from TOXNET® - includes CCRIS, ChemIDplus Subset, DIRLINE®, GENE-TOX, HSDB® Subset, and TOXLINE® Subset
  4. Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) Knowledge Sources - includes the UMLS Metathesaurus®, Semantic Network, and SPECIALIST Lexicon

The MeSH® Vocabulary may be downloaded at no cost after completion of a brief Memorandum of Understanding.

There is no charge for leasing NLM data or licensing the UMLS from NLM.

NLM does not provide search software.

Those interested in obtaining NLM data (described in items 1-3 above) directly from an NLM licensee do not enter into a license agreement with the NLM. Rather, contact the licensee directly.

For More Information
For more information about leasing NLM data contact us at the National Library of Medicine.

Linking to NLM Web Sites
MEDLINE and other databases are searchable at no cost from NLM's Web site. Organizations with Web sites may provide access to NLM data for their customers by creating Web links from their site to NLM services such as PubMed®, LocatorPlus, and MedlinePlus®. See Creating a Web Link to PubMed, Linking to MedlinePlus, and Information on Copyright for additional information. Contact for more information about this option.