National Diabetes Data Group (NDDG)

The National Diabetes Data Group (NDDG) serves as the major Federal focus for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data on diabetes and its complications. Drawing on the expertise of the research, medical, and lay communities, the NDDG initiates efforts to

  1. define the data needed to address the scientific and public health issues in diabetes;
  2. foster and coordinate the collection of these data from multiple sources;
  3. identify important data sources on diabetes, and analyze and promulgate the results of these analyses to the scientific and lay public;
  4. promote the timely availability of reliable data to scientific, medical, and public organizations and individuals;
  5. modify data reporting systems to identify and categorize more appropriately the medical and socioeconomic impact of diabetes;
  6. promote the standardization of data collection and terminology in clinical and epidemiologic research; and
  7. stimulate development of new investigator-initiated research programs in diabetes epidemiology.
For further information, contact Catherine Cowie, Ph.D., M.P.H., Director, Diabetes Epidemiology Program, 301-594-8804, .

Page last updated: November 06, 2009

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