The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

Reverend Patrick J. Conroy,SJ

Loving and gracious God, we give You thanks for giving us another day and for a safe return to Washington.

Bless the Members of this assembly as they set upon the important work that faces them. Help them to make wise decisions in a good manner and to carry their responsibilities steadily, with high hopes for a better future for our great Nation.

May they be empowered by what they have heard during their home district visits to work together. May the energy they have derived from respective party conventions be merged into a common sense of hope for our great Nation.

On this day, which has become a day of national mourning, help us to remember as well the renewed sense of national courage and resolve that we need to work toward a better future. May we all be inspired by the heroism of so many 11 years ago to be the best that we can be this day.

May all that is done today in the people's House be for Your greater honor and glory.


Thought of the Week

Eleventh Observance of September 11, 2001
Congressional Remembrance Ceremony

God of heaven and earth, we give you thanks for giving us another day.

Today we remember a day begun in terror and violence, and ended in heroic effort and courage. We mourn those whose lives were snatched from them, and wish to comfort those left behind who strive to cope with their loss. May You, O God, give them Peace and Healing.

We thank you again for the almost universal, international response to a great American tragedy, which all the world recognized as theirs as well. All your children of good will could see the horror of actions by men, who would presume to act in Your Name, causing so much death and destruction. May Your Spirit of Peace and Justice continue to fill the hearts of people of all faiths, races, and nations. Help us to recognize Your creative Love in the lives of all who share this beautiful planet.

Be present with us this day as we gather again on our Capitol’s steps. Bless the men and women who serve this great nation in the Senate and House of Representatives. United then, and united today in our shared citizenship, they have been given great responsibility by their fellow Americans. May their show of unity augur a hopeful future of concerted effort to do what is best for the United States.

May they be confident in the knowledge that all Americans stand behind them in their common effort to forge legislation that will reflect the resilient greatness of our Nation in building a vibrant economy into a safe and secure future. May all that is done this day, and in the many days to come, be for Your greater honor and glory.

—Rev. Patrick J. Conroy, S.J.

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