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U.S.A. · http://epa.gov/


Welcome! Aaron here live tweeting from our EPA labs in Research Triangle Park, NC - part of tour for

MS: Thank you for participating in today’s chat. Continue the conversation on our Discussion Forum:

MS: I look forward to assisting communities transitioning these sites to revitalize communities & create jobs for the future

MS: I invite communities to tell me the types of technical assistance that would be most helpful as they redevelop auto sites

MS: For example, we recently divided a RCRA cleanup into two parcels to allow development to move forward quickly

MS: We recognize the need to be flexible to accommodate projects moving forward

(2 of 2) MS: The PPA would provide liability comfort to permit the city to acquire the Chevy in the Hole site

(2 of 2) MS: the potential for expanding educational facilities on to these sites

(1 of 2) MS: One thing I heard yesterday was to leverage the existing educational institutions in respect to training

MS: Good point. We want to continue the President's high priority on skills training and education.

MS: Given the large size of some auto sites many communities have identified a need to divide sites & have phased development

MS: Also, direct technical assistance to local communities to enable them to compete for grant resources

MS: The resources for planning and market studies to identify end uses that works for the local community

What are you hearing from those who have attended community discussions regarding ? What sorts of uses might be on the horizon?

MS: My initial thoughts are EDA, HUD, DOT, DOL, EPA - folks out there, what are your thoughts?

Which federal agencies are key to a successful redevelopment effort in a community affected by auto restructuring?

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