Name (click for metadata and to rate record) Description Agency Subagency Category
Recreation Information Database - RIDB XML extractable listing of US Gov't Recreation sites USDA FS Geography and Environment
US Forest Service Administrative Forest Boundaries A map service displaying the area encompassing all the National Forest System lands administered by an unit. The area encompasses private lands, other governmental agency lands, and may contain National Forest System lands within the proclaimed boundaries of another administrative unit. All National Forest System lands fall within one and only one Administrative Forest Area. USDA FS Natural Resources
US Forest Service Ranger District Boundaries A map service displaying the boundary that encompasses a Ranger District. This SDE Geodatabase is intended for read-only use. The purpose of the data is to provide display, identification, and analysis tools for determining current boundary information for Forest Service managers, GIS Specialists, and others. Symbolized with fill and outline Labeling turns on at larger scales Best available source with a target scale of 1:24000 for Continental U.S., Puerto Rico, and Hawaii and 1:63360 for Alaska. USDA FS Natural Resources
US Forest Service Administrative Region Boundaries A map service displaying the area encompassing all the National Forest System lands administered by a Region. The area encompasses private lands, other governmental agency lands. All National Forest System lands fall within one and only one Administrative Region Area. USDA FS Natural Resources