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Kidnappings & Missing Persons

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    March 13, 2006
    Xiangkok, Laos

    Ryan Braben Chicovsky was teaching English in China when he travelled to Laos on vacation. He was last seen on or about March 13, 2006, leaving the Khemkong Guesthouse in Xiangkok, a remote river village in Northwestern Laos.

    His backpack, clothes, money, passport, boots, and toiletries were all discovered in his room. Approximately three weeks after the reported disappearance, local villagers discovered Chicovsky's camera, room key, and T-shirt four kilometers north of Xiangkok. The condition of the items indicates they had been kept inside and out of the rain.

    Chicovsky typically wore a braided rope/bead necklace.

    Date(s) of Birth Used: May 3, 1981 Hair: Brown
    Place of Birth: Mount Vernon, Washington Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 155 pounds Sex: Male
    Race: White
    Photograph taken in 2005 Photograph taken in 2005