Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection PDF Print

On June 30, Rep. Holt supported the strongest reforms to the nation’s financial system since the Great Depression. In supporting reform Rep. Holt said, “This is a strong reform package that will put the cops back on the beat on Wall Street and help give Americans confidence that the system works for individuals, families and small businesses – not for big banks.” Reform creates a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, stops the most abusive mortgage lending practices that contributed to the financial crisis of 2008, brings accountability to Wall Street, and prevents taxpayer-funded bailouts. On July 21, President Obama signed the bill into law.

Click here to read Rep. Holt's speech on Wall Street reform.

Click here to learn what Wall Street reform means for you.

Legislative Text: Click here to read the text of the House-Senate conference report.

Legislative Summary: Click here to read a detailed summary of the bill.

Bill Summary and Status: Click here for background information on this bill.


