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Dealing with Your Kids Getting Shots

Watching your child cry as they're getting their shots isn't easy, but you know the shots will help keep them healthy in the years to come. You can make that trip to the doctor a little bit easier by getting your child in the right frame of mind. Use these tips to help prepare for your next trip to the doctor's office for vaccinations.

  1. Don't let the doctor surprise them with a shot. Tell them in advance they're going to be getting a shot at their appointment and help prepare them for that.

  2. It's OK to let your child know it will probably a hurt a little bit at first, but make sure to tell them the pain goes away very quickly and the shot is going to help make them healthy and strong.

  3. Teach them why they need to get shots. Tell them the medicine from the shot helps their bodies fight all kinds of diseases that used to make kids very sick before shots were invented.

  4. Keep your kids distracted while they are getting their shots. Talk to them or hold their hand, but make sure they stay still for the nurse giving the shot.

  5. Reward your kids for good behavior at the doctor. Face it, getting a shot is scary and not fun, but if your child does well treat them to a little something special to reward their good behavior.

If you have concerns about immunizing your children or any safety risks associated with certain vaccines, you can find more information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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