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  • Aerial Analysis Challenge - It is the job of some agents at the CIA to analyze photos. See how well you can do to spot details in photos.
  • Career Games - Games to help you see what it is like to interview and negotiate to get a job.
  • Career Zone Pennsylvania - Assess you interests to see which type of careers may be good for you. Then tour job families to see what interests you.
  • Drive of Your Life - This site allows you to test drive different careers.
  • FBI's Kids Page - Think you might want to be an FBI agent when you grow up?
  • Habitat Adventure: Panda Challenge - Use binoculars, field guides, a camera, and other tools, as well as talk to local people to help you make decisions about a fictional forest reserve in this educational game.
  • Kids Work! - Explore interesting jobs in a virtual world.
  • NGA Kids - Choose from a variety of activities or projects from the National Gallery of Art, enjoy an animated musical adventure, take a tour through the sculpture garden, and more.

Kids.gov is the U.S. government's official web portal for kids