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Health A–Z : 1-5 of 5 Results

Cholesterol IQ Quiz   External Link

Take this short quiz to learn how diet, physical activity, smoking and other factors impact the body's cholesterol levels.... Details >

American Heart Association  External Link

Cholesterol Tracker - (PDF)  External Link

Record your cholesterol levels after each doctor's visit, along with your exercise and diet goals. Watch your progress and stick to your plan.... Details >

American Heart Association  External Link

How to Lower High Triglyceride Levels through Dietary and Lifestyle Changes - (PDF)  External Link

Read these tips on how to lower your triglyceride level so that you can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. ... Details >

Educational Institution--Follow the Resource URL for More Information

Staying Healthy (multimedia)  External Link

Find multimedia presentations on a variety of topics, including physical activity, protecting your heart by lowering your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, hand washing, surviving the cold and flu ... Details >

Healthy Roads Media   External Link

Understanding Your Tests: Lipid Profile  External Link

The lipid profile is a group of tests ordered together to determine your risk of coronary heart disease. These tests are good indicators of whether someone is likely to have a heart attack or stroke c... Details >

American Association for Clinical Chemistry  External Link

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