I had to fight for the blood test. Now fighting to finish college

04/27/2012 05:04:52

I just turned 24 and finally got a blood test. I have had the symptoms half of my life but this past month was unbearable. I grew up through high school with teachers yelling at me for walking to slow between classes. That was one reason why I homeschooled after Ninth grade. My ankles would feel like there were clamps on them some days after I barely even walked half a mile. This past November I fell walking up a flight of stairs. Four months later I am still feeling pain in my chest. I wondered if I had it when I started college and heard of it. My grandmother died of cancer in her lymphnods when she was 64. I was only 7.

Over time I just made myself deal with it the best I could. Now I am a senior majoring in mechanical engineering but it has been the worst in the past year. I would go to the clinic on campus when I could stand to walk that far. I sometimes mentioned to them I wondered if I had it. They did not think it was necessary at the city clinic when I was a freshman. I guess they thought I was being paranoid. Now, as a senior, I have to fight the administration to work with students like me who have to go through a process to get help. What experience has anyone else had in college?

Now I am getting my 13 year old neice tested so she does not have to wait 10 years to get help when she should be thinking about graduating from college.

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