Lupus symptoms??

04/20/2012 01:04:29

I first heard of Lupus when pregnant with my first of three children because my ANA was "borderline" high at the time. My OB wasn't too concerned after seeing no other signs. Then in my 30's I had high ANA levels with my 2nd and 3rd children, with other rule out blood work...all normal. My OB had me monitored by a perinatologist "just in case." Now I'm 40 and getting concerned. I have arthritic like feelings in my hands lately, sores in my nose and mouth, fatigue, anxiety/depression, and pain in my feet (like the edema I had during pregnancy, though they don't look swollen). I've had random rashes in the past few months but none that really bothered me and only on my arms and legs. I've never had a butterfly rash. I've had Lupus ruled out in the past despite the high ANA. Am I letting my worries get the best of me?

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By Sandy
05/07/2012 02:05:04

I had a rheumotologist appointment this morning. Getting ultrasound of my hands and blood work to rule out anemia, SLE and RA. Now I just have to wait. He said my feet were hurting due to Plantars Fasciatis (sp?). Now it's a wait and see kind of thing. Thanks for the feedback.

By Carmen
04/25/2012 01:04:32

What are the symptons. Please.

By Marcia
04/24/2012 05:04:00

Hi Sandy,

Keep going back to the doctor, it took years for me to finally get my diagnosis. Change doctor's if you have to, but find someone who will listen to you. Your health is what matters. You are who matters. When you do find someone who figures out what is going on, listen to them. Read all you can. If it is LUPUS, come back here and find out what it is all about. So many people have LUPUS and don't even know it, and if one of them is you, I don't want you to go through all the years of not knowing and not being able to cope with the daily struggles. Take care.

By Sandy
04/23/2012 09:04:56

I remember Thanks Ray Ann. I set up an appointment with a rheumatologist for 2 weeks. Anything in particular I should ask for? I remember my perinatologist running some type of blood test? Good thing is this is one of the docs I saw during my 2nd pregnancy.

By Ray Ann--Age 54
04/21/2012 09:04:41

Like you Sandy, I have suffered some of your symptons. They started with me not being able to walk after sitting down for an hour or so. I went to 5 doctors before the last one diagnosed me with Lupus. On that visit I did break out with the Butterfly rash, but didnt know what it was. My ANA tests were not that bad either. But the rash to him said I had LUPUS. That was back in 2008, so he put me on the medication for Lupus and I have been on it since then. At the beginning I suffered with my hands, sores in my mouth and nose, but slowly I was able to walk without problems and no more sores or rashes. But I do try to stay out of the sun as much as I can. The only problem with the medicine is it can damage your eye sight, so I have them checked every year. I now have no insurance so I dont know how long I can take the medicine though. Its a daily struggle because I am always tired, but it could be worse.