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Health A–Z : 1-4 of 4 Results

Botulism: Frequently Asked Questions

This fact sheet provides answers to frequently questions about botulism, is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The fa... Details >

National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Bioterrorism: Botulism  External Link

This article contains information on how to prevent and treat the three types of botulism: foodborne poisons, wound and infant botulism.... Details >

University of Maryland Medical Center  External Link

Botulism  External Link

Find out how to use proper canning techniques, and how to prepare and store food safely in order to prevent this type of foodbourne bacteria.... Details >

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research  External Link

Infant Botulism  External Link

Infant botulism is a rare illness that can occur when an infant ingests bacteria that produce a toxin inside the body. Since honey is a known source of the bacteria spores that cause botulism, it shou... Details >

The Nemours Foundation  External Link