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The Guardianship Book for California: How to Become a Child's Legal Guardian. 8th Edition.
Brown, David. Doskow, Emily.
368 p.
Nolo Press
950 Parker St.
Berkeley, CA  94710

Designed for adults in California who are contemplating becoming a guardian of a minor, this text provides forms and instructions that can be used to obtain a guardianship without the help of a lawyer. It begins by explaining the role of a guardian, types of guardianships, criteria for deciding whether a guardianship is necessary, key considerations for becoming a guardian, and reasons an attorney or other legal professional may be necessary when petitioning for guardianship. Following chapters address: alternatives to a court-ordered guardianship and strategies for dealing with agencies and institutions, and accessing medical and dental care for minors; documents and information needed for filing guardianship papers with the court and filing fees and court costs; notifying the relatives of the minor and obtaining their consent; preparing forms to file for a guardianship; filing and serving the guardianship papers; temporary guardianships of a minor's person and extending the temporary guardianship; the guardianship investigation and tips for dealing with the investigator; preparing for and attending the guardianship hearing and getting the letters of guardianship issued by the clerk; guardianships of a minor's estate and using funds from the estate for support of the minor; the rights and responsibilities of a guardian of a minor's estate and a guardian of a minor's person; ending the guardianship; and finding free or low-cost legal help and finding and hiring a lawyer. Appendices include forms for informal guardianships and for obtaining a court-ordered guardianship.
California; legal guardianship; guardians; legal processes; state laws


A service of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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