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¿Está incluida su cuna con baranda móvil en la lista de retiros del mercado?

Las cunas Lajobi con baranda móvil de la marca Graco han sido agregadas a la lista de cunas retiradas del mercado porque sus piezas pueden romperse o fallar, permitiendo que la baranda móvil se desprenda de la cuna.

La CPSC y LaJobi han recibido 99 denuncias de incidentes con barandas móviles. En dos de esos casos, los niños quedaron atrapados en el hueco creado por la baranda móvil al desprenderse y fueron salvados por sus cuidadores. Otros seis niños cayeron por el hueco, incluido uno que sufrió una conmoción cerebral leve.

Desde 2007, la CPSC ha retirado del mercado más de 7 millones de cunas con baranda móvil por muertes o lesiones infantiles. Los padres o cuidadores que posean una cuna con baranda móvil deben verificar la marca y la etiqueta de la cuna para ver si está incluida en las listas de retiros del mercado de la CPSC.

Estas son algunas de las más importantes:

Es importante que los padres y los cuidadores revisen regularmente las cunas para ver si tienen piezas sueltas o rotas. Si tiene una cuna rota, no la use y no trate de repararla usted mismo. ¿Tiene más preguntas? Este blog de preguntas y respuestas sobre cunas ha sido diseñado para responder sus preguntas acerca de qué son las barandas móviles, si son seguras, cómo examinar la cuna y qué hacer si la cuna tienen piezas rotas, faltantes o deformadas.

Si tiene más preguntas, envíelas por correo electrónico a feedback@cpsc.gov.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/04/%c2%bfesta-incluida-su-cuna-con-baranda-movil-en-la-lista-de-retiros-del-mercado/

Is Your Drop-Side Crib on the Recall List?

Graco-branded Lajobi drop-side cribs have now been added to the list of recalled cribs because the hardware can break or fail, allowing the drop side to detach from the crib.

CPSC and LaJobi have received 99 reports of drop-side incidents. In two of them, children became entrapped in the gap created by the detached drop side and were freed by their caregivers. Six other children fell through the gap, including one who sustained a mild concussion.

Since 2007, CPSC has recalled more than 7 million drop-side cribs in which children have died or been injured. Parents and caregivers who own a drop-side crib should check the crib’s brand and label against CPSC crib recalls

Here are some of the biggies:

It is important for parents and caregivers to regularly check cribs for loose or broken parts. If you have a broken crib, don’t use it and don’t try to fix it yourself. Do you have more questions? This crib blog Q&A is designed to answer your questions about what drop-sides are, whether they are safe, how to examine your crib and what to do if your crib has broken, missing or warped parts.

If you have further questions, e-mail them to feedback@cpsc.gov.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/04/is-your-drop-side-crib-on-the-recall-list/

Port Partnership Improves Safety

CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum and U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan Bersin sign memorandum.

CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum and U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan Bersin
signed a memorandum today that allows the two agencies to quickly share information about products coming through U.S. ports.

What does that mean? It means federal agencies are cooperating to make U.S. consumers more safe.

“By identifying and checking consumer products at our ports, we can reduce the flow of dangerous products into our homes,” said CPSC Chairman Tenenbaum.

“This is an important first step in strengthening our ability to promote consumer well-being and safety”, said Commissioner Bersin. “With this Memorandum of Understanding, CBP and the Consumer Products Safety Commission will be able to further protect consumers against the importation of dangerous goods into the U.S.”

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/04/port-partnership-improves-safety/

How to Childproof Your Windows

Do you have young children in your home? If so, be sure to child-proof your windows before letting the warm spring air waft through your house. Such measures are like installing baby gates – they keep your baby safe with little extra effort.

Window falls are common, particularly in spring and summer. And they are preventable. Just take a look at these news reports from the first few days of April:

This week, by the way, is the National Safety Council’s National Window Safety week. But a week of such reports is not unusual. On average each year, 9 children die and about 3,700 are injured from window falls.

CPSC recommends the following ways to child-proof your windows and prevent your children from having a serious fall:

Window Guard

Window guards screw into the side of a window frame and have bars no more than 4 inches apart.

    • Install window guards to prevent children from falling out of windows. For windows on the 6th floor and below, install window guards that adults and older children can open easily in case of a fire.

    Window guards screw into the side of a window frame and have bars no more than 4 inches apart. They are sold in different sizes for various size windows and adjust for width. Guards must meet requirements for spacing and strength. Those that allow for escape in case of emergencies must be difficult for very young children to open.

    • If you don’t use window guards, install and use window stops so that windows open no more than 4 inches. Whether opening windows from the bottom, top, or side, openings should never exceed 4 inches with children present.

    • Move furniture, including cribs and beds, away from windows to discourage children from climbing near windows. Use extra caution on windows next to window seats where children may climb and play.

    • Bug screens are NOT baby gates. They keep bugs out, but they are not strong enough to keep toddlers in. Do not rely on them to keep your windows child-safe.

    • Whenever possible, open windows from the top, not the bottom.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/04/how-to-child-proof-your-windows/

A Solution to Problem Drywall

Corrosion from problem drywall

Homeowners report corrosion or blackening of metal in or on electrical fixtures, appliances, plumbing and air conditioner coils. Friday's CPSC report addresses safety remediation recommendations.

HUD and CPSC now offer a solution to homeowners struggling with problem drywall manufactured in China.
The problem affects about 3,000 homeowners in 37 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

The first step is to use the identification protocol described here to make sure that your home is affected by this problem drywall and not other factors.

The current solution is to remove all possible problem drywall. This includes drywall dust and debris. Replace electrical components and wiring, gas service piping and fire sprinkler systems, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. These remediation steps eliminate both the source of the corrosion and the corrosion-damaged components that might cause a safety problem in your home.

“Based on the scientific work to date, removing the problem drywall is the best solution currently available to homeowners,” said CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum.

Friday’s release of scientific findings connects certain Chinese drywall and corrosion in homes. The studies also show that some Chinese drywall does not cause corrosion or produce irritant health effects. That is why it is important to follow the identification protocol to be sure your drywall is the type that needs to be removed.

This summer, CPSC will have results of studies that examine the long-term safety implications of the problem drywall.

Even as that scientific work continues, HUD and CPSC want homeowners to know what they should do to fix their homes.

Homeowners should follow the Federal Trade Commission’s advice when hiring contractors to test or repair the damage to their homes. Confirm a contractor’s references, qualifications and background before agreeing to hire them.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2010/04/a-solution-to-problem-drywall/