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Bumbo Update: Baby Seats Recalled, Get Restraint Belt

If you’re one of the many parents or caregivers who use a Bumbo Baby Seat, we now have additional information for you beyond our November 2011 warning about infants falling from the seats and suffering serious head injuries.

Bumbo International Trust is recalling about 4 million baby seats. Stop putting your babies in these seats until you get and install a free safety repair kit from Bumbo. The kit includes a restraint belt with a warning label, installation instructions for the belt, safe use instructions, and a new warning sticker.

Without the restraint belt, an infant placed in the Bumbo seat can maneuver out or fall from the seat by arching his/her back, leaning forward or sideways, or rocking.

Here’s what the seat should look like before you use it again:

Bumbo Baby Seat with Restraint Belt

Bumbo Baby Seat with Restraint Belt

Parents and caregivers: ONLY use the Bumbo seat on the floor. Do not use this product to bring your baby eye level with you, such as on tables, counters, chairs, sofas or any raised surface — even with the belt. Never use the seat on raised surfaces. Don’t use it as a car or bath seat, either.

CPSC and Bumbo are aware of 19 reports of skull fractures from among at least 50 incidents of infants falling from Bumbo seats that were used on high surfaces such as a countertop, chair or table. These all occurred after a 2007 recall of the Bumbo seat to add a warning on the front of the seat that alerts caregivers not to use the seat on an elevated surface. Additional reports of falls and skull fractures were described in the 2007 recall.

In addition, we are aware of 34 injury reports—including two skull fractures—since the recall of babies falling or maneuvering out of Bumbo seats that were used either on the floor or at unknown elevations.

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This address for this post is: http://www.cpsc.gov/onsafety/2012/08/bumbo-update-baby-seats-recalled-get-restraint-belt/