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Final Check image

Final Check imageIt's time for a spot check! You and your family have packed an emergency supply kit that will prepare you for any emergency. Now, for each topic numbered below pick the response that best describes your emergency supply kit. Then check out the scorecard below. How ready are U?


  1. Flashlight and Radio
    1. We have a flashlight, a radio, and two sets of extra batteries for each.
    2. We have a flashlight and radio in my kit, but no batteries.
    3. We don't have a flashlight or a radio.
  2. Food and Water
    1. Our kit has a three-day supply of food and three gallons of water per family member.
    2. Our kit has water, but no food.
    3. Our kit doesn't include food or water.
  3. Family Check
    1. My parent or guardian has reviewed the Family Supply List and collected all the items with me.
    2. My parent or guardian is collecting items with me, but we haven't finished yet.
    3. My parent or guardian hasn't reviewed the Family Supply List.
  4. Clothing
    1. We have a complete change of clothing for every family member.
    2. We only packed a sweater.
    3. We forgot to pack a change of clothing!
  5. Fun Stuff
    1. I packed a CD player and some CDs, a book, or my favorite game.
    2. My brother or sister packed some games and toys, but I didn't.
    3. I have not packed any entertainment items.

How Did U Score?

Topic 1: Remember to pack a flashlight and battery-powered radio with extra batteries. Be sure to check that everything works before closing your supply kit.

Topic 2: Your family's kit should have a three-day supply of food and water. Work with your parents to collect a yummy selection of nutritious food that won't spoil, like canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, canned meat (don't forget a can opener).

Topic 3: Work with your family to collect a first aid kit, tools, and other hard-to-find stuff on your supply list.

Topic 4: Don't just pack a sweater; set aside a complete change of clothes for everyone in your family. Think about making personalized T-shirts for everyone by drawing a family crest!

Topic 5: Have a battery-powered game in your kit? Don't forget the batteries!