Becoming a Partner

The Pool Safely campaign welcomes the involvement of new partner organizations that are dedicated to promoting the campaign at one of three levels of engagement.

becoming a partner imageCampaign Safety Partners (CSPs) are highly engaged in the campaign and commit to promoting the Pool Safely campaign at a significant level.

Campaign Safety Leaders (CSLs) are helping to promote awareness of the Pool Safely campaign by mobilizing their membership and network, promoting campaign events and participating in a required amount of specific campaign activities.

The Campaign Safety Community (CSC) is a broader group of organizations that are kept informed of Pool Safely campaign developments and using their own resources to promote the campaign in their own communities.

Campaign Safety Partners (CSPs)

Although specific activities vary by partner, in general each CSP commits to the following:

  • Partner with the CPSC on a specific event or announcement: this activity will include significant promotion of the event, participation in the event by a senior leader of the partner organization as a spokesperson and collaboration on the development of the event or announcement;
  • Lend the organization’s name and logo to campaign materials as needed;
  • Post information about the campaign and a link to on the organization’s website;
  • Share campaign information and resources with their networks, coalitions and local affiliates; and
  • Commit to using the campaign in 2011 and beyond.

If you are interested in becoming a CSP, please e-mail:

Campaign Safety Leaders (CSLs)

CSLs help promote awareness of campaign messages and resources by mobilizing their membership and networks, promoting campaign events and participating in at least seven of the following campaign activities:

  • Distribute a press release about the Pool Safely campaign;
  • Provide content about water safety/drowning prevention that can be used by the Pool Safely campaign;
  • Distribute information about the Pool Safely campaign to listservs, membership lists and relevant networks;
  • Include an article about the Pool Safely campaign in a newsletter, magazine or other print/electronic publications;
  • Post a link to the Pool Safely campaign online and/or embed a link to a Pool Safely video;
  • Follow the @poolsafely Twitter feed and regularly retweet Pool Safely messages;
  • Tag a Flickr photo of a water safety event with “Pool Safely”;
  • Co-brand any Pool Safely materials with your organization’s logo;
  • Sign-up for the Pool Safely listserv;
  • Reference the Pool Safely campaign in a media interview;
  • Sponsor the placement of a Pool Safely campaign billboard, bus side or bus shelter PSA;
  • Attend an official campaign event;
  • Host an event highlighting the Pool Safely message;
  • Organize a visit with local elected leaders to inform them about the Pool Safely campaign; and
  • Other activities that supports the Pool Safely campaign.

If you are interested in becoming a CSL, please e-mail:

Campaign Safety Community (CSC)

We are working to ensure that the CSC is aware of Pool Safely campaign developments and knows how to use its resources to promote the campaign in their own communities. CSC members include organizations comprising the networks, coalitions and affiliates of our CSPs and CSLs, as well as groups and individuals that subscribe to the Pool Safely listserv.

To join the CSC, please subscribe to the Pool Safely listserv or e-mail:

Who is Virginia Graeme Baker?

Seven-year-old Virginia Graeme Baker’s tragic death inspired her family to advocate for pool and spa safety and moved Congress to act to prevent entrapments.
Read more about her story

The Pool and Spa Safety Act: Staff interpretation and updates


Find the most up to date requirements for the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act.