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TOXNET Web Service API


TOXNET API offers a RESTful Web Service API that allows users to search TOXNET databases with keywords. Using this API, software developers can smoothly integrate TOXNET data into their own applications.

The TOXNET databases include chemical databases (HSDB, CCRIS, GENETOX, IRIS, ITER, and LactMed) and bibliographic databases (TOXLINE and DART). For chemical databases, this service accepts keyword searches in a specified database and returns search results in TOXNET API Response Format and full chemical records in HTML format. For bibliographic databases, this service provides keyword searches in a specified bibliographic database and returns search results with bibliographic brief records and bibliographic full records in TOXNET API Response Format. For convenience, a bibliographic full record can be returned in HTML format if requested. This service also provides query expansion with chemical synonyms and CAS Registry Number when the POST method is used.

To handle large volumes of return results, this web service search starts with an initial search and is followed by subsequent requests. The initial search returns a query summary with a unique string in <TemporaryFile> tag. This unique string is used as a parameter in the subsequent requests to reference the current search. The subsequent search returns the records in a specified range.

More details can be found at:

Search Chemical Databases HSDB, CCRIS, GENETOX, IRIS, ITER, and LactMed

Search Bibliographic Databases TOXLINE and DART

The TOXNET Web Service API is free of charge. Neither registration or licensing is required. If you build an interface using the TOXNET Web Service API, please indicate that the information is from TOXNET or the National Library of Medicine. If you have questions about the TOXNET Web Service API, please contact us.