usps oig

Office of Audit

Human Resources and Security

The U.S. Postal Service recognizes the strength inherent in their employee workforce. As a result, the Postal Service seeks to leverage this strength to create customer value and profits to invest in continued improvement. Postal Service management is committed to identifying and responding to the changing needs of the organization, as they seek solutions to workplace issues that support the Postal Service’s operating principles. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) will continue to support the Postal Service in their goal of engaging and motivating the workforce to create greater customer value.

The Human Resources and Security Directorate conducts audits to determine whether the Postal Service is reducing human capital costs, while they strive to build the business. To accomplish this, they plan and direct audits and reviews focusing on employee development, compensation and benefits, health care, safety, security, and labor relations within the Postal Service. These audits add value to the Postal Service by providing information to enhance management’s ability to maintain a healthy and safe organizational climate for employees; and improve operational economy, efficiency, and effectiveness.

One of the reasons for the amended Inspector General Act was to establish an independent OIG to provide oversight of all U.S. Postal Inspection Service activities, including any Postal Inspection Service investigations. It is essential we hold the Postal Inspection Service, as a law enforcement agency, to the highest standards of conduct to maintain the public's trust and the Postal Service's reputation of reliability. In accordance with the Act, the OIG provides objective information and assessments of the activities of the Postal Inspection Service to keep the Board of Governors, Congress, and Postal Service management fully informed of Postal Service law enforcement efforts and to detect and prevent fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.

The Human Resources and Security Directorate determines whether the Postal Service and Postal Inspection Service have adequate controls and processes to efficiently and effectively safeguard employees, customers, and other critical assets. To that end, they plan and direct audits and reviews of the functions and operations of the Postal Inspection Service, including investigative processes, security, and emergency preparedness.