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Breastfeeding can be both rewarding and challenging at the same time. Have you overcome a problem so that you could keep breastfeeding? Share your success story on womenshealth.gov!

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Taylor R from Oklahoma (United States)
April 17, 2012 1:33 p.m.
I am a stay at home mom of two. With my first, a girl, if I had not had the support of my mom I would not have breastfed her till she was 18 months old. Its hard. It does get easier. But I thought before kids, babies just knew what to do. You give them a breast and they latch on right away. Not so with most babies. But it is soooooo worth all the time and effort. Most of my friends gave up on breastfeeding right away. And their babies are sick all the time. My kids are never sick hardly and I truly believe it's from breastfeeding them. Much love to all the nursing mommies!!!
Joanna Mikolajczyk from United States
April 14, 2012 7:53 p.m.
I have been breastfeeding and watching my daughter grow into a healthy little girl. I love knowing my milk is real organic without any artificial chemicals! We are doing just great!
April 10, 2012 11:26 a.m.
I pumped for my first child for 8 months. My second I breastfed until he was 3.5 years old. I plan to extended-nurse my 5 month old as well. It is a commitment but well worth it!!
Rosa from California (United States)
April 1, 2012 1:08 p.m.
My breastfeeding was difficult for me at first. My milk was fine after a couple of months than it went down because of the antibiotics I was taking. My milk supply went down never gave up trying. I was just down to 1oz of milk. Yes, I was feeling depressed but I learned to accept that as long as I gave my baby what I could produce that will help him with his growth and health, I am giving him formula, too. Parents that aren't able to produce that much breast milk shouldn't be discourage keep trying you know you will be doing good for your baby. I asked for help in my WIC office I was having pain in my breast. They helped me I am using a breast pumped from the WIC office. They gave a me a nipple silicone shield, I decided to breast pump to make sure he would get the full 1 oz I held him & made my special bonding. Thank you WIC & breastfeeding assistants. God Bless you for continuing helping other mother like me.
Andrea from Oklahoma (United States)
March 22, 2012 3:44 p.m.
My 5th baby was born 7 weeks early, and was in NICU for 16 days. I had never pumped before, and was eager to get to actually nurse him instead of pumping. Even after he got home, I was told he was still having issues with nursing, because of his size, and we should just stick to the bottle. After some research I found out he was tongue tied, and actually had to convince my pediatrician to clip his tongue, even though the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests it. After that, within minutes, he was nursing like a champ, gained weight faster, slept better. I have received so many compliments on not giving up on our nursing relationship, and while at the time it seemed like the hardest thing in the world to do, I never regretted it for a second. I have been told many times I have one of the healthiest preemies around, and I am positive it is because of my persistence.
Irina from Alaska (United States)
March 19, 2012 11:58 p.m.
When I became a new mom I was looking forwad to breastfeeding my daughter and I thought it would be easy that she would just latch on. I had a rude awakening! For some moms babies might latch on right away but mine didn't want to and I had such a hard time with it that I was ready to give up. I teared up and called friends and family who have had kids and they encouraged me to keep with it. I did and she latched on finally but only one side of my breasts. I had to finally pump on the other side so my nipple would pop out. After that she still was having issues. I was so stressed out and worked up about it that she really didnt want anything to do with them. I finally got to take a bath and clean up and she got one too. It was like day and night afterwards. The nurse brought her to me and right away she latched on and ate from both sides like an angel! It was a great feeling. Do not stress out. Stay calm!
Anonymous from Oklahoma (United States)
March 12, 2012 5:06 p.m.
I am so blessed to have been able to breastfeed my last 3 children. I did have some complications with my first two that wasn't caught until I had my third. Any of you out there if you are having problems and it is continuing to hurt try checking their lips. A lot of times their lips will fold in and that pinches you. Try running your finger under their lips being careful not to break the suction, it made a world of difference.
Leah from California (United States)
March 7, 2012 8:32 p.m.
With the start of a new life there was a whole lot of challenges i had to face. Being a single mom and starting nursing school wasn't the hardest part.... breastfeeding was =). The pain and agony was harsh on the breast and at some point I wanted to stop. My mother was there to support me in breastfeeding, so stopping wasn't an answer! She reminded me of all the benefits that breastfeeding gives your baby and don't forget all the money you have to spend on formula. So today, 8 months later, I am a breastfeeding mother and proud as can be. One of the hardest parts are over, and if you can do this you are ready for the next!
Lylian from Oklahoma (United States)
March 2, 2012 5:28 p.m.
I am so excited that I was able to breastfeed my second child, my first one I didn't have enough milk and I was very frustrated that I was not able to breast feed her. On my second child the milk just flowed and it's been wonderful he is 7 months now, and I already started him on baby food, he has a good weight gain very healthy and you really form a bond that no one can take from you. So if I can encourage someone, do it, your baby and you will have a great time.
Maureen from Utah (United States)
February 29, 2012 12:45 p.m.
I am now breast feeding my second child, I was able to breast feed my first for a year until it became to much to grow a baby and feed one, that I had to stop. I was so worried about all the pain in my nipples and the scabbing that I decited to research the babys first annitial latching and if that had an effect on how sore my breast would get. I watched videos and talked with a my midwife and a wic breast feeding councelor, all suggesting that I allow the baby to self latch. So I decited to do an experiment I let my new baby find his way to my nipple on his own and latch on his own. It took him about 9 minutes but, it worked, I was supprised but it did work I had one breast that did not get sore at all and the other barely.
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Content last updated April 17, 2012.

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A federal government website managed by the Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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