Funding for Special   Communities

Nutritional Epidemiology & Data Systems

The Nutrition Epidemiology Program serves as a focus for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data on nutritional disorders and obesity. The program (1) identifies the data needed to address the scientific and public health issues in nutritional disorders and obesity; (2) addresses the epidemiology of nutritional disorders of public health significance, with particular emphasis on national surveys and their follow-up; (3) promotes the timely availability of reliable data to pertinent scientific, medical, and public organizations; (4) promotes the standardization of data collection and terminology in clinical and epidemiological research; and (5) works closely with members of the scientific community to develop investigator-initiated research in the epidemiology of nutritional disorders and obesity. The program encourages research that addresses risk factors for disease occurrence and disease prognosis or natural history. The program also supports databases and biological repositories that support clinical and epidemiological studies in nutritional disorders and obesity.

For more information, contact Dr. James Everhart, Director of the Epidemiology and Data Systems Branch.

Resources for Researchers

Clinical Research

Related Study Sections


Funding Opportunities

Funding for Special Communities


See Also

Page last updated: January 20, 2009

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