Edit Your Video

Video Implementation (Editing)–Step 1 of 5

Editing (also known as post-production) is when you piece together your video and audio clips to produce a final product. You select specific shots, order them in a meaningful way and join them through a variety of transitions to tell a story. Your storyboard will give you a rough idea of how the final video will look.

Plan enough time to edit, who will help and where the footage will be stored. This process takes longer than filming and takes practice.

You can find free tutorials on YouTube, pay for services such as Lynda, or take free or inexpensive training—check out DigitalGov University

There are many ways to approach video editing; below is a three-step process:

  1. Combine: Select and move large parts of your footage into place. Can I organize my footage in an orderly way?
  2. Condense: Cut your video into smaller chunks. What non-essential pieces of the story can I cut?
  3. Correct: Make small fixes, frame by frame. Is there a person I need to cover up because they didn’t sign a release? Is there a strange break in an interview that needs B-roll placed over it? This is often the most time-consuming phase.


Go to our Video Implementation (Editing) step 2: Editing Effects and Tips.

Return to the Main Video Guide.

Content Lead: Jonathan Rubin
Page Reviewed/Updated: May 7, 2012

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