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HUD   >   FAQs   >   Homeless

Question: I am homeless, and I need help. What can I do?

Answer: We have information for people who are homeless about shelter, food, health care, jobs, and other benefits.

Question 2: I know someone who is homeless. How can I help?

Answer: You can tell your friend about the resources for people who are homeless listed on HUD's website. And while you're there, you may want to explore some of the other ways you can help the homeless.

Question 3: What is HUD doing in my community to help address the problems associated with homelessness?

Answer: HUD administers a series of programs that address homelessness in the United States. HUD's Continuum of Care program makes grants to states, local governments and community agencies that allow each of these entities to tailor a program to meet their community's needs. You can read more about HUD's programs to help the homeless on our website.

More information about the homeless.

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