Job Requirements

Basic Requirements

  • U.S. native or naturalized citizen
  • Less than 44 years of age (this may be adjusted upward for current/prior active duty service)
  • Meet current medical and security requirements


Both master’s level and doctorate level degrees in a scientific or health-related specialty are accepted in the Corps, but specific positions have different degree requirements. Some positions may prefer a doctorate degree.

Master’s degree—Qualifying degree from an accredited program, usually approved in American Universities and Colleges (published by the American Council on Education).

Doctorate degree—Ph.D., D.P.H., D.Sc., or Ed.D. that required successful completion of independent, scientific, data-driven original research in the specialty field. This research generally takes the form of a doctoral dissertation and can involve a variety of scientific research designs, including meta-analyses.

  • Epidemiology and other public health sciences
  • Physical and biological sciences (such as biology, chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry, microbiology, human and plant physiology, and genetics)
  • Biostatistics
  • Health and bioinformatics
  • Health risk assessment/communication and health marketing
  • Science and public health policy
  • Social sciences
  • Regulatory affairs in biology, toxicology, and environmental sciences; science administration (research and management)
  • Entomology
  • Anthropology

Page Last Modified on 11/8/2011