Health IT Stories

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"I believe access to your medical record can save your life."

- Regina Holliday

Regina Holliday is an artist and mother of two young children. As her husband was dying of cancer, Ms. Holliday fought a protracted battle to get access to her husband’s medical record.

Read her story

More Health IT Stories

"I Beat Cancer So I Could Dance at My Daughter’s Wedding"
Read “e-Patient Dave’s” story

Dave deBronkart read that he had only 24 weeks to live when his kidney cancer was discovered. But he beat the odds with the help of information gleaned from an online network for cancer patients. Now, as “e-Patient Dave,” he encourages other patients to get involved with their own health care, starting with EHRs.

Read “e-Patient Dave’s” story

"I Want My Kids to Have the Best Care"
Read Ms. Wright’s story

Lilianne Wright, upon hiking in the Grand Canyon, suffered from severe stages of diabetic ketoacidosis, which brought her to the brink of death. Ms. Wright recovered, but found that managing her disease was and still is complicated, because her doctors can’t easily share her medical records. Today, her two children are reaping the benefits of EHRs.

Read Ms. Wright’s story

"I Know I Can Weather a Storm"
Read Ms. Bringle’s story

Dottie Bringle, R.N., is a hospital executive in Joplin, MO. Three weeks before Joplin’s devastating tornado in May 2011, her hospital completed a switch to an EHR – so even though her hospital building was destroyed, doctors and nurses were able to provide care to Joplin residents in their time of need.

Read Ms. Bringle’s story