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Math » Data Analysis

Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications

offers articles, learning modules, "mathlets" (single-purpose learning tools), reviews of online resources, and a developers' area. Search contents of the journal by type of resource (e.g., article), by subject (e.g., number concepts, data presentation, plane geometry), or both. The journal makes extensive use of graphics, animations, video clips, and other media. Articles and other materials are peer reviewed. (Mathematical Association of America, National Science Foundation)

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Interesting Fact:

The Chebyshev equioscillation theorem describes a striking pattern between a continuous function on a closed interval, and its best approximating polynomial of degree n. Although it is a result of great influence in the theory of polynomial approximation, the theorem is usually omitted from the undergraduate numerical analysis course because of its somewhat complicated proof.
GeoGebra is a free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus.


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