An Official Website of the United States Government

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Data is current as of August 31, 2012. Updated data will be available following the September-October period and will reflect updates made during that period.

IT DashBoard

Displaying Records: 1051-1067 of 1067 records.First  right arrow Prev  | 20 | 21 | 22 |  Next    Last  |  Items per page  

Agency Title Status Date
General Services Administration Efficient Federal Workforce Downgrade 2010-09-10 Investment downgr Investment downgraded from major status or investment is not a major investment for BY2011 or investment is a new non-major investment for BY2011 More..
Department of Homeland Security NPPD - US-VISIT - Comprehensive Biometric Exit - Air/Sea (2011) Downgrade 2010-09-10 Investment downgr Investment downgraded from major status or investment is not a major investment for BY2011 or investment is a new non-major investment for BY2011 More..
Department of Homeland Security CBP - Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) (2011) Downgrade 2010-09-10 Funding reduced which no longer meets DHS requirements Funding reduced which no longer meets DHS requirements for classification as a major IT investment." More..
Department of Homeland Security NPPD - IICV (Infrastructure Information Collection and Visualization) - PCII (2011) Downgrade 2010-09-10 Funding reduced which no longer meets DHS requirements Funding reduced which no longer meets DHS requirements for classification as a major IT investment." More..
Department of Homeland Security FLETC - Student Administration & Scheduling System (2011) Downgrade 2010-09-10 Funding reduced which no longer meets DHS requirements Funding reduced which no longer meets DHS requirements for classification as a major IT investment." More..
Department of Homeland Security NPPD - National Command and Coordination Capability (NCCC) (2011) Downgrade 2010-09-10 Funding not granted, program no longer funded beyond FYFunding not granted, program no longer funded beyond FY09. More..
Department of Homeland Security FEMA - Risk Mapping, Analysis and Planning IT (Risk MAP IT) (2011) Downgrade 2010-09-10 Non-IT for FY11 - Removed from the IT PortfolioNon-IT for FY11 - Removed from the IT Portfolio
Department of Housing and Urban Development ADM - 663580 - HUD Electronic Records System (HERS) Downgrade 2010-09-10 AWAITING RESPONSE OR DISPOSITION.AWAITING RESPONSE OR DISPOSITION.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Integrated Enterprise Management - Aircraft Management Module Downgrade 2010-09-10 This investment no longer meets the requirements tobe cThis investment no longer meets the requirements tobe classified as a major IT investment. More..
National Aeronautics and Space Administration GSFC Space and Ground Network IT Support Downgrade 2010-09-10 This investment no longer meets the requirements tobe cThis investment no longer meets the requirements tobe classified as a major IT investment. More..
National Aeronautics and Space Administration JSC Space Station Production Facility Downgrade 2010-09-10 This investment no longer meets the requirements tobe cThis investment no longer meets the requirements tobe classified as a major IT investment. More..
National Aeronautics and Space Administration JSC Space Shuttle Program Integration Downgrade 2010-09-10 This investment no longer meets the requirements tobe cThis investment no longer meets the requirements tobe classified as a major IT investment. More..
Department of Veterans Affairs InterAgency IT Support FHIE/BHIE-2011 Downgrade 2010-09-10 AWAITING RESPONSE OR DISPOSITION.AWAITING RESPONSE OR DISPOSITION.
Office of Management and Budget MAX Budget Information Systems Downgrade 2010-09-10 Investment downgr Investment downgraded from major status or investment is not a major investment for BY2011 or investment is a new non-major investment for BY2011 More..
Office of Management and Budget IT Budget Reporting System (ITPortfolio) Downgrade 2010-09-10 Investment downgr Investment downgraded from major status or investment is not a major investment for BY2011 or investment is a new non-major investment for BY2011 More..
U.S. Agency for International Development USAID/Department of State IT Infrastructure Collaboration (DOS) Downgrade 2010-09-10 Investment downgr Investment downgraded from major status or investment is not a major investment for BY2011 or investment is a new non-major investment for BY2011 More..
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Time and Labor Legacy (TLL) Downgrade 2010-09-10 This steady-state system has been changed from major toThis steady-state system has been changed from major to non-major status because the investment: (1) Is in operations and maintenance (2) Obligates less than $1M in resources annually (3) Is green on all IT Dashboard measures (4) Will be decommissioned within the next 2 years. No resources are planned for BY 2011.' UPI was changed to reflect non-major status. More..

Note: All descriptions, dates, and costs are as reported by agencies.

More details about Eliminated/Downgraded Investments

Eliminated Investments

Investments are categorized as “Eliminated" when they are no longer funded, or split into multiple investments with different UPIs than the parent UPI.

Downgraded Investments

Investments are categorized as “Downgraded" when a major investment is re-classified as a non-major.

OMB Comment

Displays short comment provided by OMB analyst based on the agency provided reason for elimination/downgrade. Users can view agency reason by pointing the mouse over the OMB comment.

Select or Filter by Agency or Eliminated/Downgraded

Using the drop-down box at top, select an agency to only display eliminated/downgraded investments from that agency. Using the check-boxes, you can limit the list of investments to only investments which are either Eliminated or Downgraded. For example, in order to see all the investments that are “Eliminated" for “Department of Defense," select “Department of Defense" from the drop down list and check “Eliminated."