House Meets At: First Vote Predicted: Last Vote Predicted:

10:00 a.m.: Morning Hour
12:00 p.m.: Legislative Business

Fifteen “One Minutes” per side

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

H.R. 6213 – “No More Solyndras Act” (Rep. Upton – Energy and Commerce/Science, Space and Technology) (90 Minutes of Debate) H.R. 6213 limits the authority of the Energy Department to issue any further loan guarantees for innovative clean energy technologies or renewable energy systems — either through the temporary program created by the 2009 Recovery Act or the base loan guarantee program authorized in 2005. This limitation would also apply to loans made for advanced nuclear and fossil fuel technologies through the 2005 program.

The measure also requires the Treasury Department to review any remaining applications prior to approval, bars the subordination of any loan that is provided under the program, and imposes penalties for officials that do not comply with the bill's requirements.

The Rule, which the House adopted yesterday makes in order 2 amendments, each debatable for 10 minutes, equally divided between the offeror and an opponent.  The amendments are:

Rep. DeGette Amendment. Would make changes to the findings section of the bill
Rep. Waxman Amendment.
Would strike the subsection preventing DOE from issuing a new loan guarantee for applications submitted after December 31, 2011

Bill Text for H.R. 6213:
HTML Version

PDF Version

Background for H.R. 6213:
House Report (HTML Version)

House Report (PDF Version)

The Daily Quote

"Congressional agreement on a stalled farm bill seemed increasingly out of reach on Wednesday, as a few hundred farmers gathered near the Capitol to press for its passage. They were greeted by an unusually bipartisan group of lawmakers pushing for action in the House, where Republican leaders have declined to pursue legislation... Over the summer, the Senate passed a five-year farm bill with bipartisan support, and the House Agriculture Committee came up with a similar bill, with deeper cuts. But House leaders declined to take up either version of the legislation. They are not eager to force their members to take a vote that would be difficult for some of them, nor would they wish to pass a measure largely with Democrats' votes right before an election."

-     New York Times, 9/12/12