Training & Education


Educational Materials

To support $100 note public education efforts, the U.S. government has developed training materials for the employees of industries that rely on cash, such as banks, cash exchanges, casinos and retailers. These materials are currently available for download. Hard copies of free educational and training materials in 23 different languages will be available for order after the Federal Reserve Board announces a new day of issue for the redesigned $100 note. Questions? Email the Federal Reserve Board’s US Currency Education Office:

Download Education Materials

Mouse over the thumbnails below to see the corresponding product description and click on the materials to download the file.

  • Multinote Poster PDF - This poster features the redesigned $100 note, and information on other redesigned U.S. currency. This piece is primarily designed for training and can be displayed for both employees and consumers.
  • Multinote Booklet PDF - This 12-page booklet contains detailed information about the redesign of the $100 note, as well as the other redesigned denominations ($5, $10, $20, and $50 notes). This piece is designed to show and describe in more detail the design and security features of redesigned denominations of U.S. currency so that cash handlers can easily check U.S. currency and know that it is genuine.
  • $100 Education Resource Kit - This kit includes materials that are ready for duplication or publication in your organization's newsletter or on its website, to educate employees, customers or members of your organization. It includes a newsletter article, a quick reference guide, fact sheets and more.
  • $100 Brochure and Poster Combination PDF - This multi-purpose piece is primarily designed for employee education. Its unique design unfolds from a brochure into a poster that can be displayed for both employees and/or consumers.
  • A 4'' x 9'' quick reference piece designed for distribution to employees with their paychecks or as an envelope stuffer.
  • A reference guide to the security features on the $100 note and other redesigned denominations of U.S. currency.
  • A one-page handout about the new $100 note you can duplicate and distribute
  • Sample text for a letter you can put on your letterhead and distribute to members, managers and employees, along with an order form for educational materials and fact sheets.
  • A 677-word article you can publish in whole or in part in your organization's newsletter or on your website.


If you are interested in working with the U.S. government to help communicate information about redesigned currency to your employees or members of your organization, please contact

Public Education

To ensure a seamless introduction of the new design $100 note, we are conducting a global public education program. The U.S. government is taking steps to make sure that businesses and consumers around the world know about the changes we've made to the $100 note's design, because up to two-thirds of U.S. currency circulates outside of the United States.

The program educates businesses and consumers about the new note's security features.

The U.S. government works with businesses and other organizations that use and handle U.S. currency to make sure they know about the changes to the $100 note and have the tools needed to educate their employees or members of their group. For some, this might mean using materials to conduct training seminars for their cash handling employees, and for others, it might mean upgrading any cash equipment they have that accepts $100 notes before the new design begins circulating.

Customized, Industry-Specific Information

Access information that has been customized for your industry/profession via the corresponding link below:

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100 Holder