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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Children's Health

Annual Report on Health Care for Children and Youth in the United States: Focus on Trends in Hospital Use and Quality. B. Friedman, T. Berdahl, L. Simpson, et al., Academic Pediatrics, July/August 2011; 11(4):263-279. Describes selected trends in hospital inpatient care for children between 2000 and 2007. (AHRQ 11-R061)

Annual Report on Health Care for Children and Youth in the United States: Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Disparities in Children's Health Care Quality. T. Berdahl, P. Owens, D. Dougherty, et al., Academic Pediatrics, March-April 2010; 10(2):95-118. Explores the joint effects of race/ethnicity and insurance status/expected payer or income on children's health care quality. (AHRQ 10-R057)

The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act Quality Measures Initiatives: Moving Forward to Improve Measurement, Care, and Child and Adolescent Outcomes. D. Dougherty, J. Schiff, R. Mangione-Smith, Academic Pediatrics, May-June 2011; 11(3S):S1-S10. Introduces a supplement to the journal comprising articles that present detailed information about the development of an initial core set of children’s health care quality measures. (AHRQ 11-R045)

Committee Report: Method for Evaluating Conditions Nominated for Population-Based Screening of Newborns and Children. N. Calonge, N. Green, R. Rinaldo, et al., Genetics in Medicine, February 2010; e-pub. Describes the framework used by the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children to evaluate conditions nominated for addition to the uniform screening panel. (AHRQ 10-R055)

Containing Costs and Improving Care for Children in Medicaid and CHIP. G. Kenney, J. Ruhter, T. Selden, Health Affairs, November/December 2009; 28(6):w1025-w1036. Describes spending patterns in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program and discusses the concentration of spending for children with chronic illnesses. (AHRQ 10-R011)

Demographic Variability, Vaccination, and the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Rotavirus Epidemics. V. Pitzer, C. Viboud, L. Simonsen, et al., Science, July 2009; 325:290-294. Explores the relative importance of direct and indirect protection against rotavirus-which causes severe diarrhea in children in developed and developing countries-a key issue in determining the worldwide benefits of vaccination. (AHRQ 09-R084)

Do Adolescents with Emotional or Behavioral Problems Respond to Cigarette Prices? E. Tekin, N. Mocan, L. Liang, Southern Economic Journal, July 2009; 76(1):67-85. Estimates the price elasticity of cigarette demand in a nationally representative sample of adolescents with behavioral or emotional problems. (AHRQ 09-R088)

Do SCHIP Enrollees Stay Insured? K. VanLandeghem, C. Brach. CHIRI Issue Brief No. 7, May 2008; 6 pp. Summarizes findings from a Child Health Insurance Research Initiative (CHIRI) project that studied patterns of insurance coverage for low-income children enrolled in the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) in Kansas and New York. (AHRQ 08-0057)

Explaining Racial and Ethnic Differences in Antidepressant Use Among Adolescents. J. Kirby, J. Hudson, G. Miller, Medical Care Research and Review, June 2010; 67(3):342-363. Examines the extent to which antidepressant use among adolescents varies across racial and ethnic subgroups. (AHRQ 10-R072)

Hospitalizations for Kawasaki Syndrome Among Children in the United States, 1997-2007. R. Holman, E. Belay, K. Christensen, et al., Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, June 2010; 29(6):483-488. Describes the rate and trends of childhood hospitalizations for Kawasaki syndrome in the United States from 1997 through 2007. (AHRQ 10-R074)

Identifying Children’s Health Care Quality Measures for Medicaid and CHIP: An Evidence-Informed, Publicly Transparent Expert Process. R. Mangione-Smith, J. Schiff, D. Dougherty, Academic Pediatrics, May-June 2011; 11(3S):S11-S21. Describes the process used to identify the recommended core set of quality measures as mandated by the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA). (AHRQ 11-R046)

Impact of Primary Care Case Management (PCCM) Implementation on Medicaid and SCHIP. K. VanLandeghem, C. Brach. CHIRI Issue Brief No. 8, March 2009; 6 pp. Summarizes findings from a Child Health Insurance Research Initiative (CHIRI™) study of the impact of implementing primary care case management (PCCM) systems in Alabama and Georgia. PCCM systems aim to increase use of well-child and primary care in physicians' offices while decreasing use of specialists and emergency departments. (AHRQ 09-0020)

Long-Term Followup After Diagnosis Resulting from Newborn Screening: Statement of the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services' Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders and Genetic Diseases in Newborns and Children. A. Kemper, C. Boyle, J. Aceves, et al., Genetics in Medicine, :April 2008; 10(4)259-261. Identifies key features of followup and describes the four components central to achieving long-term followup of children identified through newborn screening as having heritable disorders. (AHRQ 09-R006)

Mental Health Needs of Low-Income Children with Special Health Care Needs. K. VanLandeghem, C. Brach, CHIRI Issue Brief No. 9, April 2009; 6 pp. summarizes a Child Health Insurance Research Initiative (CHIRI) study that compared the prevalence of mental health problems among children with special health care needs to family perceptions of mental health needs. (AHRQ 09-0033)

Racial Disparities in Diarrhea-Associated Hospitalizations Among Children in Five U.S. States, Before and After Introduction of Rotavirus Vaccine. C. Yen, C. Steiner, M. Barrett, et al., Vaccine, October 2010; 28(46):7423-7426. Compares diarrhea-associated hospitalization rates by race/ethnicity among children younger than age 5 before (2000-2006) and after (2007 and 2008) introduction of rotavirus vaccine in five U.S. States. (AHRQ 11-R005)

Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Incidence of Kawasaki Syndrome Among Children in Hawaii. R. Holman, K. Christensen, E. Belay, et al., Hawaii Medical Journal, August 2010; 69(8):194-197. Describes the occurrence of Kawasaki syndrome among different racial/ethnic groups in Hawaii. (AHRQ 11-R004)

Reduction in Acute Gastroenteritis Hospitalizations Among U.S. Children After Introduction of Rotavirus Vaccine: Analysis of Hospital Discharge Data from 18 U.S. States. A. Curns, C. Steiner, M. Barrett, et al., Journal of Infectious Diseases, June 2010; 201(11):1617-1624. Uses hospital discharge data from 18 States, representing 49 percent of the U.S. population, to calculate acute gastroenteritis hospitalization rates for children ages 4 and younger. (AHRQ 10-R071)

Stimulant Medication Use in Children: A 12-Year Perspective. S. Zuvekas, B. Vitiello, American Journal of Psychiatry, May 2011; 168(5):486-494. Examines trends in the use of stimulant medication for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in U.S. children during 1996-2008. (AHRQ 12-R015)

Supplementing Iron and Zinc: Double Blind, Randomized Evaluation of Separate or Combined Delivery. S. Chang, S. El Arifeen, S. Bari, et al., European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010; 64:153-160. Discusses findings from a randomized, double-blind study of the optimal delivery approach for iron and zinc supplementation in young children. (AHRQ 10-R053)

Transforming Children’s Health Care Quality and Outcomes—A Not-So-Random Non-Linear Walk Across the Translational Continuum. D. Dougherty, C. Clancy, Academic Pediatrics, May-June 2011; 11(35):S91-S94. Commentary uses concepts of the translational continuum from basic biomedical research to optimal population health and the role played by the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 in improving the quality of children’s health care by paying attention to all components of the translational continuum. (AHRQ 11-R047)

What Has Been Learned About Expanding Children's Health Insurance? Highlights from CHIRI. K. VanLandeghem, C. Brach. CHIRI Issue Brief No. 10, September 2009; 8 pp. Highlights some of the findings from CHIRI (Children's Health Insurance Research Initiative) research conducted from 1999 to 2003 on the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). (AHRQ 09-0034)

Youth Motorcycle-Related Brain Injury by State Helmet Law Type: United States, 2005-2007. H. Weiss, Y. Agimi, C. Steiner, Pediatrics, June 2010; 126(6):1149-1153. Presents information on the head injury risks of different partial-age helmet laws for young riders and discusses implications for States that have or are considering replacement of universal all-age laws with age-specific laws. (AHRQ 11-R031)

Youth Motorcycle-Related Hospitalizations in the United States in 2006. H. Weiss, Y. Agimi, C. Steiner, Pediatrics, December 2010; 126(6):1141-1148. Describes the burden of motorcycle-related injuries and traumatic brain injuries in both traffic and non-traffic domains. (AHRQ 11-R030)

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