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Today Rep. Pete Olson issued the following statement in strong support of House passage of S. 3729- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Authorization Act of 2010. 

“The men and women who work for NASA and the Johnson Space Center have worked for too long under a cloud of uncertainty as a result of insufficient funds, constantly changing goals and a government that has too often second-guessed the past instead of embracing a clear vision for the future.  Today, I am pleased that Congress provided much needed certainty by passing this important NASA authorization bill.

“This moment would not have been possible without the strong, bipartisan commitment to NASA that exists in the House.  It is an honor to be part of bipartisanship at its best on behalf of America. I also applaud the efforts and commitment of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in getting an authorization bill through Congress.

“The people who work at the Johnson Space Center and throughout NASA deserve the certainty that this bill helps provide, and America deserves to know that Congress is still committed to human space exploration. While I agree with many who voted against the Senate bill that the House version was stronger for Human space flight, it was important to do what was right for NASA. 

“I grew up in Clear Lake.  The men who walked on the moon and those who got them there and back were my neighbors. I saw a community and a nation unite around a grand goal and accomplish it.  Today, we take a step toward restoring those goals worthy of a great nation.  And in doing so we are saying to the men and women of NASA, currently and those to come, that this nation still chooses to explore.”


Media Contact: Melissa Kelly, 202-225-5951