During depression the world disappears. Language itself. One has nothing to say. Nothing. Kristin experienced this misery, yet still managed to touch many lives and even in death continues to help others find help for their depression.
The Kristin Brooks Hope Center was created to help those in crisis find help and hope immediately. The site and her story gives you a raw, personal glimpse into depression, and how it affects those around you. In addition, you will find the only clear, step-by-step path for you to follow out of the darkness. There is hope and you can feel happy again! If you need to speak with someone right now call: 1.800.442.HOPE

Get Help Now

For Telephone support:
Here is a list of our hotlines in the US

(800)442-4673 .....1-800-442-HOPE

(877)838-2838 .....1-877-Vet2Vet Veterans peer support line

(800)784-2432 .....1-800-SUICIDA Spanish speaking suicide hotline

(877)968-8454 .....1-877-YOUTHLINE teen to teen peer counseling hotline

(800)472-3457 .....1-800-GRADHLP Grad student hotline

(800)773-6667 .....1-800-PPD-MOMS Post partum depression hotline

For a list of hotlines outside the US go here:

For email support 24 x 7:
It may take a few hours or more to generate a response

For online chat support:
(none of these are 24 x7 but will tell you if online counselors are available)

The first online network with 100% of its volunteers trained and certified in crisis intervention.



( only available in Australia)

For Reading:
There is a great book to read which is free and online called Suicide: The Forever Decision from the QPR Institute - Download it HERE


Donate Now!

Kristin Brooks Hope Center, and its programs:

National Hopeline Network
IMAlive crisis chat
Pick Up The Phone Tour
Alive! Mental Health Fair
and others

are funded solely by individual donors

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Please Don't Jump

This postcard says:

I have lived in San Francisco since I was young. I am illegal. I am not wanted here. I don't belong anywhere. This summer I plan to jump off the Golden Gate.

Join the Facebook group "Please Don't Jump"

pick up the phone tour
Download our Information Deck for the PUTP Tour (PDF)

Find us at these sites:

Community Crisis Centers Saving Lives: , , calls to 1.800.SUICIDE