Rep. Honda on Chicago Teacher's Strike PDF Print E-mail

Former educator Congressman Honda, as founder of the National Commission on Educational Equity and Excellence, now housed within the Dept. of Education: 

“If the Chicago strike is ultimately about the impact of student test scores on teacher evaluation, then the two parties have an opportunity to evaluate its effectiveness.  The strike provides the opportunity to dialogue on the conditions necessary for children to thrive in their schools: early learning experiences, resources for school infrastructure and supplies, teacher retention and professional development, principal leadership, community partnerships and family engagement. 

The Silicon Valley business community, which I represent, values innovation, out-of-the-box thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration, the very things that student standardized test scores do not measure.  If we are going to place emphasis on high stake testing and tie it to teacher evaluation in our public schools, then let’s actually focus on the aforesaid skills necessary for thriving in the marketplace. But let’s remember that education is not merely about creating widgets for Silicon Valley, education is about creating equitable conditions to level the playing field so that each and every child can achieve their American dream.”



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