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John Sullivan - Washington, DC

John Sullivan
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on John SullivanSee All
    • The Wall Street Journal reports that the Speaker has offered a compromise with the President that would increase revenues if something is done about entitlement spending. I am unalterable opposed to higher taxes & I have so informed the Speaker. Republicans must stop finding Democrat spending. Please hold the line.
      Yesterday at 1:43pm
    •  November is National Adoption Month, and today's featured siblings available for adoption from foster care are from Oklahoma. Josey, 15, and Jonathon, 12, are athletic brothers who enjoy various activities. They are both in good physical health and have no problems with their mobility.
      Monday at 11:54am
    •  We'd love to get a video interview with you while we are in Oklahoma City on November 3rd! Here is an interview we conducted with Idaho's Governor Butch Otter:
      October 22 at 1:38pm
    • Minon Gordon Frye
       Please Support the Adoption Tax Credit!! We wanted to provide you with an update on the Adoption Tax Credit. There is now a Senate companion bill (to H.R. 4373). Last week the bill S.3616 was introduced. This bill would make the Adoption Tax Credit permanent and refundable. WE WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!!! It's time for everyone to get involved! These bills needs cosponsors, so please ask your Representatives to co-sponsor HR 4373 and both your Senators to co-sponsor S 3616. The more support these bills have (meaning the more members of Congress hear from their constituents and understand the importance of extending the Adoption Tax Credit and making it refundable) the better chance that a refundable Adoption Tax Credit will be included in the final tax package agreed upon by Congress. To email your Senators visit: For tips about how to advocate visit:
      October 2 at 8:38am
    • Pat Daly
      Coat is a dirty industry and historically a very bad neighbor. They should be forced to spend 5 cents a tone to clean up their old, outdated plants and technology. However, a cost benefit analysis of new EPA regulations seems sensible; unless it's a "delaying" tactic by big dirty coat... again. I like coal, but I don't like the industries terrible track record as a bad neighbor. The coal insustry does not employ 1.4 million people. So, how does sensible clean air regulation result in almost twice the job losses of the entire industry. Don't you find that a little "curious"?
      September 21 at 10:09am

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