Instead of expanding the size of government or raising taxes, Republicans in Washington are committed to a pro-growth economic agenda that will put America back to work. [more »]
9/11/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference
9/11/12 GOP Leadership Press Conference Chairman Hensarling: "The House has very important business in the days to come, and certainly no more important business than remembering 9/11 -- the heroes, the victims...
Rhetoric vs. Reality
Rhetoric vs. Reality Our national debt is now more than 16 trillion dollars. The president's current budget has received zero votes. Senate Democrats haven't even passed a budget in more than...
Weekly Republican Address 9/1/12: Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA)
Weekly GOP Address 9/1/12: Steve Scalise (R-LA) In this week's address, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) speaks from his district in New Orleans, discussing the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac and its effect on constituents and ...
Weekly Republican Address 8/18/12: Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO)
Weekly GOP Address 8/18/12: Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) delivered this week's address on the House's efforts to jumpstart our nation's sluggish economy. Republicans in the House have stopped a small ...
Fair? Invests taxpayers' money into failed projects. Rejects domestic energy production. Raises taxes to increase government spending. President Obama calls for fairness, but i...
Weekly Republican Address 8/4/12: Majority Leader Eric Cantor
Weekly GOP Address 8/4/12: Majority Leader Eric Cantor House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) delivered this week's address on the House's recent action to stop the tax hike and roll back burdensome regulations on America's...
Rep. Nunes at 2:54am
RT @gretawire: Rep. ‘Dutch’ Ruppersberger ‘On the Record’: Check out our conversation with Congressman Ruppersberger and let yo... http: ...
Rep. Price at 3:26am
A glimpse of what the world looks like when America refuses to lead!
Rep. Ros-Lehtinen at 6:17pm
Have a look @ My Week In Pictures. http://t.co/ixk980Ki