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Founded in 1994, Shape Up America! is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization committed to raising awareness of obesity as a health issue and to providing responsible information on healthy weight management.

Physical Activity Selector

The calories expended for physical activity depend not only on the type of activity, but also on your weight. It takes more energy (calories) to move more weight. The calories given for physical activity accommodate weights up to 280 lbs. Beyond this weight, please note that the calories listed will underestimate the calories expended in a particular activity.

Caution: it is important to get an OK from your doctor before starting a program of physical activity. Individuals who weigh more than 280 lbs. may have difficulty performing traditional exercise programs, but can still participate in a properly adapted exercise routine.

To use this calculator:

  1. Enter your weight (in pounds)
  2. Select an activity from the drop-down menu
  3. Enter the amount of time (in minutes) you will be performing the activity



Source: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, January 1993, Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 71-80, Appendix 1--Compendium of Physical Activities. Author--Ainswoth BE, et al.; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.