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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Information Technology and Quality

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Health Center Controlled Networks

What is a Health Center Controlled Network?

Why are Health Center Controlled Networks Important?

What are the different types of Health Center Controlled Networks?

What are the benefits of a Health Center Controlled Network?

What are the barriers of a Health Center Controlled Network?

Why should I develop a Health Center Controlled Network?

How do I develop a Health Center Controlled Network?

What specific expertise do we need to staff a Health Center Controlled Network?

How do I determine if I should develop a Health Center Controlled Network or join an existing Health Center Controlled Network?

What are the benefits to joining an existing network?

What are the challenges/barriers to joining an existing network?

Developed by the Health Resources and Services Administration as a resource for health centers and other safety net and ambulatory care providers who are seeking to implement health IT.
Health Information Technology Toolboxes help health centers, safety net providers, and ambulatory care providers with electronic and online resources and technical assistance to improve patient care.  More>
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