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    • SHWETTA BOZZ  •  22 hours ago
      im sorry they must have changed the definition of Celebrity when I was sleeping
    • Karen  •  17 hours ago
      AND ALL THAT TIME AND MONEY I WASTED GOING TO COLLEGE...I could've just been my own idiot self and landed a tv role like these clowns.
    • rudyj  •  18 hours ago
      They all look good but only a few of them can actually act.
    • Joe  •  1 day 8 hours ago
      They're still not "stars."
      • flukey123 9 hours ago
        I would be the most happy person if they took all those reality stars from the tv. starting with the boo boo family..... and put into the trash can.
    • joseph  •  1 day 8 hours ago
      She's a boom boom beacon
    • Junichiro  •  12 hours ago
      "Actor" has a very nebulous definition these days.
    • judy c  •  1 day 7 hours ago
      never heard of these people
      • Mr.AverageJoe 9 hours ago
        Believe me, you're not missing out on anything.
    • John  •  1 hour 52 minutes ago
      hoochi ho s
    • libby  •  6 hours ago
      Ugly uneducated people talk the same and am reading too many in here.
    • Calboy1  •  13 hours ago
      +TV was ment as a medium for entertainment.."reality' is not so entertaining..thats why the need to escape from it..bring back shows that really do entertain!..this is why "retro TV' networks like TVLand are doing so for reality..i 'see it' when i have to in my regular life..then go home and watch TV!!!
      • John 1 hour 49 minutes ago
        regular Tv as we know it is a sinking ship. this junk is cheap to make like info-mercials. there are enough stupid people that watch it like stupid tweener girls
    • K  •  11 minutes ago
      i wish i was black the options are endless
    • Steele Here  •  12 hours ago
      " as a regular on Fox's new fall comedy "The New Normal"

      Actually, it's NBC's new fall comedy "The New Normal"
    • Beyond Colonized  •  9 hours ago
      I didn't know NeNe was a star
    • •  •  6 hours ago
      So you mean to tell me, that if I audition for mindless reality tv, be loud and memorable because that makes me "interesting", the door to "fame" and fortune will open to me...And to think, idiots actually go to acting and performing arts school. If only more people knew! Oh wait...they do, that's why we're constantly bombarded with this insipid reality shows. I bet it would've been great to be alive during the Golden Age of Hollywood.
    • Richard V  •  1 day 8 hours ago
      Scotty beam me up!!! I don't care if she can't take no more..Beam me up NOW.
      • B G 6 hours ago
        Whoever chooses her to be on anything deserves the show to be a flop like she is.
        So ghetto, did she give up her food stamps, and project housing from when she lived in Athens, Ga. She is a real b**** and needs a real reality adjustment.
    • Mike  •  16 hours ago
      She should have stayed with pole dancing and stripping, more within her scope of talent.
    • consumer thought  •  12 hours ago
      The New Normal is not Fox. It is NBC
    • DLW  •  12 hours ago
      American Idol is not reality tv, its nothing more than just another game show.
    • Jason  •  16 hours ago
      not an attractive woman to say the least.
    • hellno187  •  1 day 6 hours ago
      Who is this chick and what makes her a star?