Civic Learning and Engagement in Democracy

See below for information for the January 10, 2012, event titled For Democracy's Future: Education Reclaims Our Civic Mission:

The U.S. Department of Education recently commissioned a report on civic learning and democratic engagement in higher education:
A Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy's Future.

And the Department of Education has produced its own document that outlines nine steps the Department will take to advance education for citizenship across American education:
Civic Learning and Engagement in Democracy: A Road Map and Call to Action [PDF, 1.1M]
An accessible version of this document [PDF, 548K]

In October, 2011, the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools released a new report, Guardian of Democracy: The Civic Mission of Schools.

The new American Commonwealth Partnership aims to bring together thousands of universities, colleges, community colleges, schools and other civic partners to promote civic education, civic mission and civic identity throughout all of education in the United States.

The American Commonwealth Partnership and the Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Network have compiled a list of commitments for making education for citizenship a cornerstone for all students.

Email to learn more about the U.S. Department of Education's efforts to advance education for citizenship and democracy or to share your own ideas about this important topic.

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