
You may already know that the pills from your medicine cabinet can pose a danger to your children--pills can be crushed and combined with other drugs or taken in a higher-than-recommended amount. Do you know of the other types of drugs that come in pill form that your child may have been exposed to? Use this visual glossary to get smart about the kinds of drugs available in pill form.

Keep in mind that prescription and over-the-counter drugs come in a variety of forms and preparations.  Some are found only in hospitals, and new preparations are being developed all the time.

Remember, if you find something that looks suspicious, don't handle the substance or sniff it because it could be toxic. Also, if you need additional assistance in identifying a pill or other medicine that you might find, contact your local Poison Control Center at http://www.aapcc.org/dnn/AAPCC/FindLocalPoisonCenters.aspx or call 1-800-222-1222, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Additional information on how to identify prescription drugs is available in the Prescription for Disaster booklet.

hydrocodone tabletsmorphine tabletsoxycodone tabletsnarcotic tablets

Click here to view other drugs that come in pill form