The Library of Congress > National Jukebox > Playlists of Recordings > Playlist Basics

The National Jukebox allows visitors to make, save and share playlists – without having an account. No need to log in with a user name and password.
Here’s what you need to know:

How to Make a Playlist

Just click on the button that you will find wherever a recording is featured. The button briefly turns red, like this to indicate the recording is added to your playlist.

The Playlist will open in a separate window, so you can continue browsing, playing recordings, and adding to your playlist, uninterrupted. You can even continue listening to your playlist after you leave the Jukebox site.

The playlist looks like this:

How to Use the Playlist

These controls allow you to customize your playlist:

How to Share & Save a Playlist

To Share: Click on the Share Playlist button.

You will get options to share your playlist via social sharing sites, email your playlist or embed it on a Web site or blog.

Each playlist will have its own unique internet address, or URL.
Hang on to that URL

To Save: Click on the Share Playlist button and email it to yourself.
Important: The only way to get back to your playlist is to email it to yourself. That’s because we save all playlists, but we don’t have any accounts. When you email yourself the playlist, you’ll get the playlist’s unique URL. Then you can play it anytime.

How to Submit a Playlist

We’re interested in the playlists our visitors make. We feature some of them on the National Jukebox.

If you would like to submit your playlist for consideration, use the submit button at the top of the playlist. You’ll be prompted to name and describe your playlist.