
Participate in Red Ribbon Week

The last week of October is recognized as Red Ribbon Week, to encourage people to live a drug-free life. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration works with community coalitions and prevention groups to plan Red Ribbon activities, ranging from classroom events to stadium-sized rallies.

Red Ribbon Week is held in honor of DEA Special Agent Enriqué “Kiki” Camarena, who was killed in 1985 in Mexico when staking out an illegal drug operation. In 1988, the National Family Partnership coordinated the first National Red Ribbon Week with President and Mrs. Reagan serving as honorary chairpersons.

You can participate in Red Ribbon Week by wearing a red ribbon and getting involved in community-wide, drug-free events. By working with law enforcement to prevent drug abuse, you can help ensure your community will thrive and be less susceptible to crime.

Learn more about Red Ribbon Week and how you can get involved.

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