
Image description: These inflatable Banzai In-Ground Pool Slides have been recalled by Wal-Mart and Toys R Us because the slide can deflate and the user can hit his or her head on the ground underneath. One death and one permanent injury have resulted from use of the slide.
This is just one example of the many products that are recalled every day. You can stay up to date by checking for recalls by type of product, or you can search to see if specific products have been recalled.

Image description: These inflatable Banzai In-Ground Pool Slides have been recalled by Wal-Mart and Toys R Us because the slide can deflate and the user can hit his or her head on the ground underneath. One death and one permanent injury have resulted from use of the slide.

This is just one example of the many products that are recalled every day. You can stay up to date by checking for recalls by type of product, or you can search to see if specific products have been recalled.

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